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第一条 为了贯彻执行《外债统计监测暂行规定》(以下简称《规定》),制定本细则。
第二条 外债系指直接从国外筹借并需以外国货币承担的具有契约性偿还义务的全部债务。具体内容包括:
第三条 国家外汇管理局及其分局为全国外债登记和管理部门(以下简称登记部门)。国家外汇管理局负责在北京的国务院各部委、公司以及银行和非银行金融机构总部的外债登记工作;各地外汇管理分局负责当地政府、金融机构和企事业单位以及中央驻地方单位、金融机构总部的外
第四条 外债登记分为逐笔登记和定期登记。
第五条 定期登记手续为:
第六条 逐笔登记的手续为:
第七条 在《登记证》上记载的债务最后一次还本付息后,开户行应立即注销其“外债专户”和“还本付息专户”。借款单位应在十五天内向发证的登记部门缴销《登记证》。
第八条 开户行须具备下列条件:
第九条 开户行应履行下列职责:
第十条 违反本细则有下列行为之一的,所在地外汇管理局可根据情节轻重,对有关当事人处以最高不超过所涉及外债金额3%的等值人民币罚款:
第十一条 本细则由国家外汇管理局负责解释。
第十二条 本细则自公布之日起施行。

(Promulgated by the State Administration of Exchange Control onNovember 10, 1989)

Whole document

(Promulgated by the State Administration of Exchange Control on November
10, 1989)
Article 1
These Rules are formulated in order to implement the Interim
Provisions for the Statistical Work and Supervision of External Debts
(hereinafter referred to as the Provisions).
Article 2
External debts refer to any liabilities resulting from borrowing
abroad for which contractual repayments in foreign currencies are
required. They include:
(1) Loans from international monetary institutions, namely, loans
from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Asian
Development Bank, the International Agriculture Development Fund and other
international or regional monetary institutions;
(2) Loans from foreign governments, namely, loans provided by foreign
governments in the form of official development assistance to China;
(3) Loans from foreign banks and non-bank financial institutions,
namely, loans from banks, non-bank financial institutions and syndicates
which operate outside China;
(4) Buyer's credit, namely, loans provided by foreign banks offering
export credit for Chinese importing departments or banks to buy equipment
from exporting countries;
(5) Foreign enterprise loans, namely, loans provided by foreign
enterprises that are not financial institutions;
(6) Issuance of foreign currency bonds, which refer to bonds with
denomination values in foreign currencies issued by domestic institutions
on money markets outside China;
(7) International monetary leasing, namely, leases of a fund-raising
nature provided by foreign leasing institutions for domestic institutions;
(8) Delay payment, which refers to a preferential term offered by
foreign exporters to domestic importing departments for the importers to
pay for the goods with a delay of 3 months after the goods have arrived in
(9) Liabilities arising in compensation trade to be repaid directly in
cash, namely, liabilities to be repaid in cash as is stipulated in
compensation trade contracts or liabilities for which repayment is altered
to be in cash instead of in kind (goods) due to certain reason and with
approval, including liabilities to be repaid with export earnings in
foreign exchange.

(10) External debts in other forms, including:
① Foreign currency deposits in domestic monetary institutions by
institutions or individuals abroad;
② Loans obtained by domestic enterprises (including foreign
investment enterprises) from foreign or Chinese-foreign joint-venture
banks which operate in China. Apart from all these, also regarded as
external debts are the following:
① Liabilities transferred into China in various forms by externally
registered institutions, which are to be repaid by domestic institutions;
② External liabilities of Chinese institutions based abroad without
external registration;
③ Foreign loans borrowed by a foreign investment enterprise in the
name of the foreign side of the enterprise to be used as input in funds or
equipment outside the capital investment, which are to be repaid by the
enterprise as is required by a contract signed between the foreign side
and the enterprise or any other legal documents;
④ Liabilities of a foreign debtor for whom a Chinese side has
provided guarantee, and for which the repayment is to be actually made by
the Chinese side;
⑤ Liabilities owned by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise to its
parent company.

Article 3
The State Administration of Exchange Control and its branch offices
are the departments in charge of the registration and administration of
external debts in the country (hereinafter referred to as the registering
departments). The State Administration of Exchange Control takes charge of
the registration of external debts incurred by the ministries and
commissions under the State Council, corporations, banks and head offices
of non-bank financial institutions, which are all based in Beijing, and
its branch offices in localities take charge of the registration of
external debts incurred by local governments, monetary institutions, as
well as units of central departments and head offices of monetary
institutions based in localities.
External debts incurred by a Chinese institution based abroad without
external registration shall be registered by the administration of
exchange control of the locality where the externally based Chinese
institution's parent institution is situated.
Article 4
The registration of external debts is divided into case-by-case
registration and regular registration.
Regular registration applies to external debts incurred by domestic
banks and non-bank financial institutions, and loans offered by foreign
governments and international monetary institutions which fall
respectively under the administration of the Ministry of Foreign Economic
Relations and Trade, the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of
Agriculture and the Bank of China.
Case-by-case registration applies to external debts incurred by
domestic departments other than those governed by regular registration,
and by enterprises (including foreign investment enterprises).
External debts incurred by monetary institutions as entrusted by
enterprises and other institutions are to be registered with the debtors
stipulated in the borrowing contracts handling the procedures for

Article 5
The procedures for regular registration are as follows:
(1) A debtor unit shall, within 15 days after the first contract on
borrowing is signed, go through registration procedures at the local
administration of exchange control, and receive an External Debts
Registration Certificate (herein-after referred to as the Registration
Certificate) for regular registration.
(2) When new contracts on borrowing are signed or alterations such as
drawing and repayment occur in the debt, a debtor unit shall fill in
monthly a form of the Signing of Contract on External Debts and a Form of
Feedback on the Alterations of External Debts (hereinafter referred to as
the Form of Feedback) registering department within 5 days after the end
of the month.
(3) When a debtor unit needs to open a foreign exchange cash account
with a bank, the unit shall, by submitting the Registration Certificate
and a document approving the opening of the account from the registering
department, go through the necessary procedures for opening a special
foreign exchange cash account relating to external debts (hereinafter
referred to as a special account for external debts) as an appointed bank
with which such an account is opened (hereinafter referred to as the
account opening bank), and send the receipt by mail the following day to
the registering department.

Article 6
The procedures for case-by-case registration are as follows:
(1) The debtor unit shall, within 15 days after a contract on
borrowing is signed, go through the procedures for the registration of
external debts by submitting a duplicate copy of the contract and the
document of approval for the borrowing (such a document of approval is not
necessary for foreign investment enterprises) at the registering
department, and receive a Registration Certificate for case-by-case
(2) When the borrowed funds are transferred into Chinese territories,
the debtor unit shall, with the remittance instruction and the
Registration Certificate, open a special account for external debts at the
account-opening bank, and go through the procedures for entering the item
into the account.
(3) When due repayment of principal and payment of interest are to be
made, the debtor unit shall, by submitting the Registration Certificate
and the instruction on repaying the principal and paying the interest, get
a document approving the repayment of principal and payment of interest
from the registering department in advance, and go through necessary
procedures at the account-opening bank for the repayment of principal and
payment of interest to be remitted out of the special account for external
debts by submitting the document of approval and the Registration
Certificate to the bank.
(4) After receipts and disbursements are handled and the procedures
for opening an account are implemented, the debtor unit shall fill in the
Form of Feedback in accordance with the instruments of receipts and
disbursements issued by the account-opening bank, and file the following
day the Form of Feedback and a duplicate copy of the certificate of
deposit with the registering department.

(5) A unit incurring a debt in the form of not being transferred into
China, from which no cash in foreign exchange is moved in but for which
repayment of principal and payment of interest are to be remitted out of
China, shall, after the debt has occurred, fill in a Form of Feedback,
and send by mail the following day a duplicate copy of the Form of
Feedback to registering department. When due repayment of principle and
payment of interest are to be made, the debtor unit shall, with the
documents of endorsement by the registration department, go the opening
bank to open a Special Foreign Currency Account for Repayment of Principal
and Payment of Interest Relating to External Debts (herein-after referred
to as special account for the repayment of principal and payment of
interest) with the account-opening bank, and go through necessary
procedures for the remitting of the repayment of principal and payment of
(6) A unit which deposits the borrowed money outside of Chinese
territories with approval from the State Administration of Exchange
Control or its branch offices shall, through the Form of Feedback, report
to the original registering department on the alterations of the deposit
in each month.
(7) No other accounts are required to be opened when domestic
institutions borrow money from foreign or Chinese-foreign joint venture
banks operating in China, but the domestic institutions shall go through
the procedures for registration and submit the monthly Form of Feedback as
is required by relevant regulations.
(8) When it is necessary for a debtor unit which has received a
Registration Certificate in its own locality to go through the procedures
for opening an account and making repayment of principal and payment of
interest at a bank in another locality, the debtor unit shall, by
submitting the Registration Certificate issued by the registering
department in its own locality, go through the procedures for approving
the repayment of principal and payment of interest as the registering
department in the other locality shall, 3 days after the procedures are
handled, file the duplicate copies of disbursements with the original
registering department.
Article 7
After the last repayment of principal and payment of interest are made
for the debt recorded in the Registration Certificate, the account-opening
bank shall immediately cancel the Special Account for the Repayment of
Principal and Payment of Interest related to the Registration Certificate.
The debtor unit shall return the Registration Certificate within 15 days
to the registering department for cancellation.

Article 8
An account-opening bank shall meet the following requirements:
(1) It must be a domestic bank which has been approved to deal in
foreign exchange;
(2) It can cooperate closely with the registering department in the
supervision over external debts.
The State Administration of Exchange Control and its branch offices
shall appoint account-opening banks in line with the requirements of
Article 9
An account-opening bank shall fulfil the following obligations:
(1) Supervising the use of the accounts. The bank shall ensure that
funds in foreign exchange remitted into the Special Account for External
Debts and the Special Account for the Repayment of Principal and Payment
of Interest are only the funds recorded in the Registration Certificate,
and that funds in foreign exchange deposited in the accounts or
transferred from other accounts can only be used to pay for the equipment
and labour service of the project related to the debt, for the repayment
of principal and payment of interest, or for other usage which has been
approved by the registering department;
(2) Handling the transferring in and repaying of the debts in line
with the Registration Certificate and the document of approval, and filing
the instruments of receipts and disbursements with the registering
department the following day after the procedures are handled;
(3) Supervising external debts under case-by-case registration to
ensure that the transferring in of the loans and the repayment of
principal and payment of interest all go through the Special Account for
External Debts and Special Account for the Repayment of Principal and
Payment of Interest.
Article 10
In the event of any one of the following acts of violating these
Rules, the local administration of exchange control may impose a fine in
RMB on the party concerned, with the amount equivalent to not more than 3
percent of the external debt involved:
(1) Intentionally not to go through or to put off the handling of
procedures for the registration of external debts;
(2) Refusing to submit, or making false registration in, or at least
twice delaying the submission of the Form of Feedback to the
administration of exchange control;
(3) Foreign or altering the Registration Certificate;
(4) The fine shall be imposed on both the debtor and the account for
External Debts or a Special Account for the Repayment of Principal and
Payment of Interest is opened or retained without permission, or when the
repayment of principal and payment of interest are not made out of the
Special Account for the Repayment of Principal and Payment of Interest.

Article 11
The right to interpret these Rules resides in the State Administration
of Exchange Control.
Article 12
These Rules shall go into effect on the day of their promulgation.

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关于继续免征三峡工程建设基金城市维护建设税 教育费附加的通知

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关于继续免征三峡工程建设基金城市维护建设税 教育费附加的通知
财政部 国家税务总局




中共济宁市委组织部 济宁市人事局 济宁市国家税务局等



第一章 总 则

第一条 为加强济宁留学人员创业园(以下简称创业园)建设和发展,进一步提高园区管理水平,吸引、集聚更多海外留学人才入园创业,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法适用于入园创业的留学人员及留学人员企业。

第三条 留学人员企业是指由留学人员独资或合资、合作创办的企业。

第一章 入园和出园

第四条 申请入驻创业园的留学人员企业,其生产、经营项目应属于下列领域之一:



第五条 留学人员企业,其生产、经营项目还应符合以下条件:



第六条 合资或合作创办留学人员企业,留学人员以知识产权、专利技术出资参股的,作价出资额不低于注册资本的15%;以货币、实物等出资的,投资额不低于注册资本的25%。

第七条 高新区管委会负责对申请入驻园区的留学人员企业进行认定。

第八条 留学人员企业申请入驻创业园,应向高新区管委会提交下列文件和材料。


(二) 《济宁市海外高层次留学人才工作证》或留学人员护照、国外使领馆出具的“留学回国人员证明”、教育部出具的“国外学位认证书”;


第九条 高新区管委会受理上述文件和材料后进行审查,组织专家组对入园项目进行评估,并在受理后30日内作出批准或不批准的决定。
第十条 项目通过后,由创业园与留学人员签订《入园项目合同书》、入驻协议和房屋租赁合同;
第十一条 高新区管委会协助申请进驻创业园的留学人员办理工商注册、税务登记等有关手续;

第十二条 申请成立留学人员企业有下列情况之一的,不予批准:



第十三条 留学人员企业有下列情况之一的,应在60日内重新申请认定留学人员企业资格;


第十四条 留学人员企业有下列情况之一的,中止或取消其留学人员企业资格:


第十五条 高新区管委会作出中止或取消留学人员企业资格的决定之日起,中止或取消该企业享受的留学人员企业优惠政策。

第十六条 留学人员出园指以下情形:
( 一 ) 留学人员企业孵化期满;
( 二 ) 合作研发项目结束或告一段落;
( 三 ) 其它原因。

第二章 优惠政策

第十七条 留学人员凭中国护照,可以自然人身份设立内资企业,除设公司制企业应符合注册资本法定最低限额外,设立个人独资、个人合伙企业注册资本不限。
第十八条 留学人员凭国外永久居留证明,可以境外自然人身份作为外商投资企业股东,设立外商投资企业。其中:生产型企业注册资本只需达到 50 万元人民币等值外币,服务型企业达到 30 万元人民币等值外币。

第十九条 对于进园的生产型企业,从获利年度起,前两年的企业增值税地方留成部分和企业所得税地方留成部分全部返还给企业,第3年至第5年返还80%。

第二十条 企业自行研制的技术成果,其技术转让以及在技术转让过程中发生的技术咨询、技术服务和技术培训所得,年净收入30万元以下部分免征企业所得税,超过部分按适用税率征收企业所得税。

第二十一条 企业在一定的开发生产及经营用房面积内,第一年免收房租,第二年按标准定价的50%收取,第3年至第5年按标准定价的70%收取。

第二十二条 留学人员在国外取得博士学位的,享受一类医疗保健待遇;取得硕士学位的,享受二类医疗保健待遇;取得学士学位并有科研成果或专利技术的,每年免费组织一次健康查体。

第二十三条 留学人员提供短期服务的,在济宁期间的食宿、交通费用,由用人单位承担,高新区财政按博士每人每月1500元、硕士以下每人每月1000元的标准对单位予以补贴。

第二十四条 进园的留学人员和企业同时享受我市其他文件规定的留学人员的优惠政策,

第二十五条 兑现上述优惠措施所需费用由高新区财政负担。

第四章 创业园建设

第二十六条 留学人员创业园的建设包括:基础设施及配套环境建设;创业和投资软环境建设;高新技术研发与创新服务体系建设;留学人员企业融资与投资体系建设;人才和技术支撑服务系统建设。

第二十七条 基础设施及配套环境建设。创业园要为入园留学人员和企业提供优质的交通和通讯设施、科研和生产经营设施及配套的商务和生活服务设施。
第二十八条 创业和投资软环境建设。建立优质高效的创业园服务体系,为留学人员提供企业注册登记、税务登记、财务代理、人事代理、物业管理、网络通讯等系列服务,提供商务洽谈、会议接待、人员培训、产品展示等服务场所。
第二十九条 高新技术研发与创新体系建设。建立创业园高新技术项目评估机制,鼓励创业园与高等院校、科研院所联合共建,使其真正成为高新技术企业的孵化基地。

第三十条 留学人员企业融资与投资体系建设。高新区管委会要建立留学人员创业扶持基金、贷款担保基金、高新技术风险投资基金,健全投资、融资机制。
第三十一条 人才和技术支撑服务系统建设。积极与高校、科研院合作,为入园企业提供人才支持;优先满足留学人员创业对人才的需求;结合实际工作需要,定期对园区企业员工进行具有针对性与实效性的培训,增强创业园员工及企业管理者的综合管理能力,提高企业技术员工的专业技能水平。

中共济宁市委组织部 济宁市人事局

济宁市国家税务局 济宁市地方税务局

济宁市工商行政管理局 济宁高新区管理委员会

